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February Sophomore Student of the Month: Carlin Collins!

The February Sophomore of the Month is Carlin Collins! Known for being very expressive and outgoing (she did get first place in a FFA public speaking competition and in a rally improv, lip-singing competition), Carlin was more than happy to let us get to know her better. Her favorite subject is “history because we are able to participate, whereas in things like math and even in English our opinions are kind of shoved away and put to the side. But in history, our opinion is a large part of our grade, especially when it comes to projects like the ‘letter from the trenches,’ which we did recently, and Social Darwinism because we can argue either side on that.”

When asked about her hobbies, Carlin told us, “I like to dance. I dance a lot. I also read excessively, and I write sometimes. It’s just like stress writing.” Carlin actually is on one of the performance teams of the local dance studio In The Wings and has showed off some of her moves to us during rallies. She doesn’t really follow professional sports and their teams, however she does follow certain dance teams. She doesn’t have a favorite, she just likes to watch the performances.

Carlin also is a member of Drama and the FFA (Future Farmers of America). She joined Drama because she “really likes pretending to be someone else.” She said that may sound “really morbid and edgy, but it’s not supposed to be. I just really like it. I really love putting myself into a character.” Regarding FFA she said. “I really, really love FFA because I grew up with it. My brother was in FFA, and my dad has always shown an interest in agriculture and we breed and sell pigs, so we’re really into FFA.”

Carlin’s lesson for freshmen that she discovered throughout the past year is “that you kind of have to commit yourself to the class and to the teacher, and understand the way a teacher conducts themselves when they’re in the classroom because you have to get used to the learning method. As a freshmen I just assumed it was going to be what is was like in middle school, but now I have realized that every single teacher has their own ways of doing it, and every single teacher sets different deadlines.”

Thank you so much for your time Carlin! The Falcon Beat hopes you continue not only exploring your clubs and activities, but also the various perspectives and ideas that encompass history.

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