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March's Alumni of the Month: Laura Jennings!

This month’s alumni of the month is Laura Jennings! She is currently 19 years old and is attending University of Northern Colorado (UNC) in Greeley. She enjoys baking, hiking, and still enjoys playing soccer. She is an enthusiastic person and has incredible goals for her future. She ultimately wants to be an athletic trainer at a high school or division 1 college, and hopes to live in a nice beach home with her dog. We asked Laura few questions, and here’s what she had to say.

FB (Falcon Beat): What year did you graduate from FMHS?

LJ (Laura Jennings): I graduated in 2015.

FB: Let’s start off with an important question. Do you have any superstitions?

LJ: I don’t really have any superstitions, but I’m obsessed with zodiac signs. My horoscope doesn’t lie.

FB: That’s awesome. So, what did you pursue after high school?

After high school, I went straight to UNC to start getting my Bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training. After taking a year and a half of pre-req’s, I finally got admitted into the Athletic Training program and now I’m finally on my way to being an adult (gross)!!

FB: How are you liking college so far?

I have such a love-hate relationship with college. It’s great because there’s so much freedom and I’ve met so many amazing people, but at the same time I can’t wait to start my career and dive into the real world.

FB: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I want to be an athletic trainer at a Division 1 college. Helping people is my passion, so honestly doing anything in healthcare will make me happy.

FB: That is amazing! What are the pros and cons of leaving high school?

Pros: You have so much more freedom, and as cliché as it sounds, you can honestly pursue anything you want in life. I’ve been able to meet so many interesting people and experience so many new things that I wasn’t able to do in high school.

Cons: Having to be an adult and doing adult things sucks. Not being able to play sports with all my best friends is probably one of the things I miss most about high school.

FB: What sports did you play in high school, and which one was your favorite?

I played both soccer and volleyball throughout high school! I loved both of them and everyone I played with so much, but soccer really has my heart.

FB: Any other past favorite high school activities?

MYC3 definitely has a special place in my heart. I created so many memories with so many amazing people that have impacted my life tremendously. If you don’t know what MYC3 is, ask around. It’s a great way to get involved and make a difference in our little community.

FB: How is college different than high school?

College is completely different than high school in so many ways! First, being able to plan out my own schedule is so nice. Second, being able to learn about things that actually interest you and pertain to what you want to do for the rest of your life makes school so much more enjoyable.

FB: What was your favorite high school memory?

Winning league in soccer for the first time in 13 years was probably one of my best memories from high school. Also, making it to state in volleyball and getting Coach Lemburg to take a selfie with us was pretty iconic.

FB: How did the teachers at FMHS help you in life?

Mr. Domke, Mrs. Heasley, Coach Lemburg, and Mrs. Haflich were some of the most influential people in my life. They helped me grow as a person, and they’re the type of people that see your potential and don’t give up on you. No matter what was going on, I knew I could go to them and they would help me through it. They made me a stronger person and prepared me for the real world.

FB: Is there any advice that you would give to 2017 graduating seniors?

Don’t be afraid to get out and explore. Trust me, you won’t regret it. There are so many amazing opportunities and adventures out there, you just have to be willing to go out and find them. Don’t let growing up in a small town limit you from pursuing your dreams.

Also, don’t schedule classes for 8am. 8am in college is like 5am in real life. It will be miserable.

FB: And lastly, what is one thing from FMHS that will stick with you forever?

All of the friendships that I built growing up in Frazier Park. Even though I may not keep in contact with a lot of people, I don’t ever regret growing up in a small town.

Thank you so much for your time Laura, we wish you the best in all of your future goals!

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