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Colleges in California

As 2018 rolls around, colleges from all over the country are starting to accept a wide range of high school seniors. The large state universities in California, UC’s (Universities of California) and CSU’s (California State Universities), are preparing to send out acceptance letters and notifications as the spring season arrives. There are 10 UC campuses with only 9 available for undergraduates excluding UC San Francisco, while the Cal State system has 23 campuses statewide all available for undergraduates. High school seniors applied to these state universities in October/November of last year, and while some students have already been informed of their status, many more are now preparing to be notified whether or not they’ve been accepted into their chosen university.

These public state universities are fairly competitive. UC’s are considered to be some of the most prestigious schools in the country, with some like UC Berkeley having only a 17.5% acceptance rate. Cal States are considered to be one level below the UC system, but still competitive and have some great schools to go into. These ambitious students want to take on the challenge right after high school- including seniors from our very own high school. Some seniors, including Rachel Hallmark and Kolby Gamaros, have already heard back from Cal States. Rachel has been accepted into San Diego State and Kolby was accepted and is planning to attend Humboldt.

There are also private schools that have their own deadlines for applications; Hope Godfrey has been accepted into Cal Baptist University in the Southern California city of Riverside and plans to attend in the fall.

Some students can also choose to take the community college route, which is no problem- after receiving your Associate’s Degree at a 2-year, you can transfer to one of the state universities in California or any other private school across the nation. You also have a better chance getting into a state university after going to a 2-year, because they see that you can handle coursework in college. Fatima Echeverria and Daniel Mireles have already applied and heard back from Glendale Community College, one of the many 2-year college options in Southern California relatively close to Frazier Mountain.

Our very own Frazier Mountain seniors are nervous but excited for the road ahead. The Falcon Beat is thrilled to hear about the student’s post high school plans, and college will be an exciting experience for the ones who choose to take that path. It may be scary leaving the place you are so familiar with, but this is just the beginning of a new adventure.

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