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Influenza Awareness

This year’s flu season has hit the United States a reported month earlier than doctors expected. With the virus spreading across the nation, affecting people of all ages, it is important to know the symptoms and preventative measures available.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms of this virus include, but are not limited to: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, runny/stuffy nose, body pain/aches, fatigue, sore throat, coughing. The virus spreads when saliva particulates from an infected person are transferred to other people or objects. It is easily confused with other illnesses, and can display varying signs from year to year; however, it is still important to ask for the annual flu vaccination.

Other preventative measures that one can take according to the CDC are: taking care to cover coughs and sneezes, frequently washing one’s hands, keeping a distance from ill persons, and avoiding making contact with any objects that might have come in contact with the virus.

Influenza is no laughing matter. Nationwide, people of all ages are being hospitalized, and many have lost the battle. It doesn’t matter how young or physically fit you are. People everywhere are at risk; and every day, people are dying. So take care to protect yourself, and those around you, and be aware of the signs and all that you can do to stop the spread of the flu during this season of illness.

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