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Lady Falcons Prepare for Playoffs

The Frazier Mountain High School Varsity softball team has had a good run, finishing league with a record of 7 wins and 3 losses. Though they did not tie for first place with Kern Valley and Desert, they have had many good times and a lot to take away from a memorable season. There are seven seniors leaving the team, eager to give it their all this Friday as they host their first playoff game at home. They all hope to make it far during their very last season playing softball at FMHS. The Falcons will play Fresno Christian.

Chaynau Johnson, pitcher of the team, is excited to win. She has confidence that her team will back her to get the win and head to semi-finals. “As long as my team works together and can hit the ball, we can win,” Chaynau tells the Falcon Beat.

Confidence and optimism is the key to any successful outcome. Softball is a game of mistakes, it is difficult and requires plenty of time to master. If you have the right mindset however, you can achieve many things, and of course not just in softball. Always keep your head up and work hard to complete any goal. Good luck to our FMHS Lady Falcons this week!

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